Site Rules

TikTok MeMes is a humor site. When uploading memes, sending comments or using the site in any way keep in mind that offensive, disrespectful, explicit and sexual content or behaviour is strictly forbidden.

Please be nice and follow the rules below. If you don't your account will be banned.

Content rules
Keep in mind these rules when uploading memes:
  1. No nudes, pornography or sexually explicit material.
  2. No violence, harassment or bullying.
  3. No hate speech or insults.
  4. No impersonation or deceptive behavior.
  5. No copyright infringement.
  6. No personal or confidential information.
  7. No re-posts of other user's uploads or submissions of repeated content.

Comment rules
Be respectful with the rest of the community and follow these rules when posting comments:
  1. No sexually explicit comments.
  2. No violence, harassment or bullying.
  3. No hate speech or insults.
  4. No impersonation or deceptive behavior.
  5. No other languages different from the server language.
  6. No personal or confidential information.
  7. No spam or repeated comments.
  8. No links to pornographic, offensive, disrespectful, explicit or copyright-infringing sites.

Avatar rules
Your avatar picture and status identify you at TikTok MeMes. Please follow these rules when updating them:
  1. No nudes, pornography or sexually explicit material.
  2. No violence, harassment or bullying.
  3. No hate speech or insults.
  4. No impersonation or deceptive behavior. Don't use other user's name, avatar or status for impersonation purposes.
  5. No copyright infringement.
  6. No personal or confidential information.

If you have any doubt related to these rules, please contact us.

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